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🚀 Very FAST 🚀 PHP AutoMapper with on the fly code generation


Welcome to the AutoMapper documentation, this library solves a simple problem: removing all the code you need to map one object to another. A boring code to write and often replaced by less-performant alternatives.

AutoMapper uses a convention-based matching algorithm to match up source to destination values. AutoMapper is geared towards model projection scenarios to flatten complex object models to DTOs and other simple objects, whose design is better suited for serialization, communication, messaging, or simply an anti-corruption layer between the domain and application layer.

Usage 🕹️

Here is the quickest way to use AutoMapper:

use AutoMapper\AutoMapper;

$automapper = AutoMapper::create();

$source = new Source();
$target = $automapper->map($source, Target::class);

That's it! AutoMapper will find the best way to map from $source object to a new Target object. It will also generate a PHP class that will do the mapping for you and serve as a cache for future mapping.

Of course there are many ways to customize the mapping, this documentation will explain all of them.

Installation 📦

composer require jolicode/automapper


There is more than object to object mapping with AutoMapper. You can also map to or from generic data structure like array or stdClass. When you map to an array, AutoMapper will try its best to only use scalar values, so you can serialize the result to JSON or XML.

Why should I use it ? 🙋

The real question may be “why use object-object mapping?” Mapping can occur in many places in an application, but mostly in the boundaries between layers, such as between the UI/Domain layers, or Service/Domain layers. Concerns of one layer often conflict with concerns in another, so object-object mapping leads to segregated models, where concerns for each layer can affect only types in that layer.

Further reading 📚